Friday, August 17, 2012

The Perception of Quality

His philosophy focuses on a company, continually making improvements in product and service quality; by manufacturing, and service processes, driven by the leadership top management.

    He believes in mission statements; where YOU say it, YOU do what you preach. Empower them, the employees; the people are your lifeblood in a company and an organization.
    Educate or train them, when at work, they need the tools of the trade.
Yes, almost all profit focused organizations want to increase their sales, by increasing product output. However, YOU must never lose sight of the quality factors as customers are the determinants of your company's survivability in the market it is functioning in.

    In the work process, a step in the production of an item for consumption can be skipped! Yet the quality of the product is left high. (Inspection for Quality Controlling purposes. A company's responsibility for quality)
    This would speed up the production process and save on cost of production with less time is wasted; meaning the length of time machinery has to work. (Cycle Time) Employee morale improves, as they do not have to fear redoing what was done earlier.

    As a business focuses on establishing itself in a competitive market environment, the sales numbers depend on customers. (Business decisions must not be made purely on the basis of cost.)
    This is a fact, the wealthier a customer, the less price sensitive he or she is when involved in a purchase situation.
    However, a company can prove to consumers, when the quality of a product or service is worth the high price being paid for. Customer advocates, are more effective than many other advertising techniques. (Quality on Production )
    After the initial success, which boosts a company's business's profitability and survivability, the newly established company must keep improving. (Continually Improving)
    As the company progresses in business activities, training keeps the employees confident, motivated and updated with changes to a production or service process.
    More procedures are used to handle tasks then (After the company is established.) The need for cross functionality between departments and specialization in job skills and

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